What Are the Manipulations for a Facial Massage?

All facial massage treatments in a spa environment involve a combination of at least two basic manipulations. These movements are performed on the superficial muscles of the face as well as the neck, shoulders and sometimes the arms. These movements can achieve a variety of results, including relaxation, skin tightening, an increase in circulation or a healthy glow from the skin.

Effleurage Manipulations

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Effleurage manipulations use light, continuous stroking with the fingers or the palms of the hand. These long, gentle stroking movements are commonly performed during Swedish massages. This method is very rhythmic and relaxing for the client; no pressure is used. Sometimes only the cushions of the fingertips touch the skin’s surface in gentle strokes across the forehead, cheeks or under the eyes. Effleurage is used at the beginning and very end of the massage session.

Petrissage Movements

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Petrissage movements are more kneading movements. The skin is lifted and then squeezed with a firm, but light amount of pressure between the thumb and fingers. The benefits of this type of manipulation include the stimulation of muscles, glands, and nerves. This manipulation is performed on the cheeks with a light pinching of the fleshy areas. Deeper-kneading movements should be limited to the back and shoulders.

Types of Friction Movements

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The Friction Technique uses deep-rubbing movements with the palms and fingers to apply pressure. Movements like chucking, rolling and wringing are all considered friction moves. Chucking involves a firm grasp in one hand, moving up and down the limb along the bone, while the other hand holds the limb steady. Wringing is a vigorous, downward motion here both hands apply a twisting motion in opposite directions. The Rolling Technique is when tissues are pressed and twisted back and forth.

The Tapotement Technique

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The Tapotement Technique consists of short and fast tapping, as well as hacking or slapping movements. These are the most stimulating of all the techniques. It helps to tone muscles and can give the treated area a healthy glow. According to the textbook “Milady’s Standard Cosmetology,” the person performing such movements should have strong but flexible fingers. You perform them by lightly bringing your fingertips down in rapid succession.

Lyra Radford

Writer, trauma-informed career coach, and certified behavioral health professional. With a knack for turning turmoil into triumph, she helps clients and readers alike navigate the stormy seas of life with a compass of compassion and a map of resilience.